Uhol pohľadu vol. III
NOVÝ ROK, NOVÝ BLOG (OBRáZKY, ZNOVA , ZABERALI VEĽA MIESTA PRI EDITOVÁNÍ) 5/1/23, near 14/00 True true. Anyways, had anybody been so gatekept that you gave up on job market, society and phony clown posse capitalism of infinite prosperity? Like, you were made by society into this shit and then, they blame you for it, this?! Disgusting and vile. Like wtf man, first 9 years or so, you are learned to be obedient sheep - but then, next 4/8 you have to think for yourself! Isn't that like, definition of cognitive dissonance? First puppet - then i thirw you into ring , fight for your top position with the 99% similar people! And when you don't want to? - well, bye, we don't need you, you no-funny-disobedient-but-unoriginal clown! NONSENSE 0/37, 5/1/23 Vacsinou nepisem o, ak vobec, o sucasnych udalostiach. Nejako ma to nezaujima. Aj tak su vacsinou tragedie a potom este vacsie "tra