nedeľa 1. januára 2023

Uhol pohľadu vol. III



 5/1/23, near 14/00

True true. Anyways, had anybody been so gatekept that you gave up on job market, society and phony clown posse capitalism of infinite prosperity? Like, you were made by society into this shit and then, they blame you for it, this?! Disgusting and vile. Like wtf man, first 9 years or so, you are learned to be obedient sheep - but then, next 4/8 you have to think for yourself! Isn't that like, definition of cognitive dissonance? First puppet - then i thirw you into ring , fight for your top position with the 99% similar people! And when you don't want to? - well, bye, we don't need you, you no-funny-disobedient-but-unoriginal clown! 


0/37, 5/1/23

Vacsinou nepisem o, ak vobec, o sucasnych udalostiach. Nejako ma to nezaujima. Aj tak su vacsinou tragedie a potom este vacsie "tragedie", o ktorych sa, pri oboch, bohvie-len preco pise. Dno, zufalstvo? Kedy sa informovanie meni na vzbudzovanie vasni a strachu?!
Pisem, lebo inak by som musel citat /s. Ale(bo ani) nie. Je to pre mna zabava. A zaroven terapia. Uz je samo o sebe predsa lepsie nieco napisat ako "sa na niecom podpisat" - no nie?
Hah, pche. Pisem zase jeden velky nezmysel. Preco(?). Nieco som chcel napisat. 
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Menovky: , ,

utorok 22. marca 2022

Uhol pohľadu vol. II-1/2

 *obrazky a ich velkost stazuju editovanie (aaaaa!!!)

22/2/22, 0:26

teraz budem hovorit trochu "mimo", ale:
nerobime vsetky veci len preto, pretoze utekame sami pred sebou? 
mame v sebe tolko (ezo bs maybe) zivocisnosti, ktoru sa snazime potlacit, 
pretoze sme sa nazvali "ludmi" a nechceme byt ako "oni - zvierata"
- vsetko toto robime len preto, aby sme zaujali/zabavili sami seba, 
pretoze sa nevydrzime velmi dlho pozerat do "temnoty" nasho poznania, 
ktore nam bolo (Bohom?) darovane - slobodna vola? prekliatie?
1) nesuhlasis
2) oponent chce laskavost
3) kompromis (" "; falosny) 
4) zakomponovanie tvojho planu do toho svojho, - proti tebe
5) omylom prijimes to, proti comu si cely cas bojoval
edit:  You forgot: "Ok, climate change is happening but it is all your fault, 
you have bought our product. Simply don't buy, we don't need to change."
1990: Climate change isn't happening  
2000: Ok, climate change is happening but it's not gonna be so bad 
2010: Ok, it will be bad, but we'll survive it  
2020: Ok maybe we won't all survive it, but what do you want us to do about it?
the cowardice tactic it's not happening, and if it is, it's not that bad, and if it is, it's not our fault, and if it is, there's nothing we could've done, and if there still is, it's too late, and if it's not, change the topic

Robim veci len preto, aby som ostatnych nastval. Nechcem vraviet, 
ze vsetky pop. veci  su zle, ale vacsina (ludi) nevie co chce naozaj
- a tak nasleduju tych, co (to) "vedia" (tinedzeri, vecne deti, blazni, psycho-,

Ma vacsina niekedy pravdu?

Nemozem si len tak lahnut a ((s)proste) umriet, kym tento cirkus kvoli nicomu
a vsetkemu neprestane? Nechaj ma tak - ked ja neviem co chcem, vies ty vobec nieco
o mne? -
Pozri sa a najprv sa spytaj seba. 
Neprilievaj olej do ohna. 
vcera(?) (dnes=31/3/22)

  "love was really gone.jpg" (nateraz moja oblubena pesnicka) ~ - shy little frog ~  Dan Siegel: "Where Are You Now" ~ - she said, "Dont make others suffer for your personal hatred."  ~ Casiopea - Mint Jams (1982) FULL ALBUM  ~ Count What You Have Now - Vantage ~

Shiro Sagisu-False Regeneration - YouTube

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